Inspired by characters each student created in class based off each other, Essence is a tv show involving each others original characters as well as the world we built around it. The main character Barometra is hot headed whose emotions control the weather wreaking havoc in the land. She tries to redeem herself to the people of Zoira by doing good deeds with her assigned mentor Junior. The rebellion group Bloodsuns are trying to influence citizens to abandon the religious practice Amnis. The floating Island that was once a part of Zoria, Mutara tries to steal magic, seen as a natural resource that is irreplaceable and manufactures a man made version in hopes to take over the land. Will Barometra redeem herself or get banished to the underside forever? Will the bloodsuns convince the people of the land to convert? Will the Mutans successfully steal all the magic? Will Junior ever get to meet his older brother Senior? We'll find out after this seasons finale.

Zoira home to the zodians is a fictional land that is ruled by the religious leader River Dew. They practice Amis (similar to the principles of Buddhism) and harness the magic of Aethjia through the great big sentient tree Linea. Zodians are caring and live peacefully helping one another to live a fulfilling mindful life. They strongly believe in making sure everything is natural, pure, and avoid conflict at all costs.

Mutara home to the mutans is an urban society governed by the ruler Mou.
The Magnia Alliance Temple

Character Height chart

My original character Bud Evergreen based off a student in the class.